Makeover a notice board 3 ways.

Do you want to turn your notice board into a gorgeous office accessory? Would you love somewhere attractive to display your notes, inspirations and keepsakes? Using a notice board that I got from the Post Office's online shop, I will show you how. The techniques I will use in the makeovers include; applying paper, using stencils and covering with fabric. Lets start off with the easiest and by far the quickest way you can transform a notice board, which is by using paper.


I gave this notice board above a makeover using glitter gift wrapping paper and it took me approximately 15 minutes to do! It has to be one of the quickest ways you can transform a notice board and it is so simple to do.

You will need:

notice board, paper (big enough size to cover your whole board), glue and scissors. 

  • Cut your paper to size. Cut the paper to the exact same size of the cork part of the board or if your noticeboard has a slight gap between the frame and cork part like the one I used, you can measure and cut the paper a few millimetres larger all round so it overlaps slightly onto the wood frame (this will be tucked into the gap at the next stage).
  • Apply a small amount of glue along the back edges of the paper (tuck in the gap if applicable then) adhere to the board. 
That's it! Really quick and easy. If you don't have a large piece of paper, why not try using smaller pieces of paper overlapped in similar or contrasting colours. Just remember when choosing your paper that pin holes may be visible when you take the pins out.

The best bit about this type of makeover is that it is very easy to change if you want a different colour scheme etc. 


You can turn your notice board into a piece of art using stencils. Making patterns using paint and stencils can really brighten up your board and make it a focal point in your room. You can make your own stencil templates like I did or buy them online or from your local home decorating store.    

You will need: 

notice board, a stencil, paint (avoid watery paints as they can seep under the edges of the stencil), a stencil brush or sponge and some tape to hold the stencil in place.

  • Before you start painting with the stencils try and have a rough idea of how you want the stencil patterns to be arranged. 
  • When you have decided on how you want the layout of your stencil patterns place your stencil flat onto the board in the desired position. Secure in place with some masking/washi tape.
  • Using a stencil brush or sponge apply the paint all over the cut out parts of the stencil. Apply the paint quite thinly so it doesn't seep under the stencil.
  • Repeat the last step for each place you want a stencil shape to be painted until you are finished and allow to dry.
If you are planning on overlapping your stencil patterns you will need to allow the first layer of paint to dry first before applying a second layer of paint on top, so smudging doesn't occur. Also remember, if you are using different colours of paint to clean and dry brushes/sponges thoroughly in between.


Finally the third option, and probably the most popular way to makeover a board, especially amongst diy fans and craft enthusiasts. This option is to cover the notice board in fabric. I love the way the fabric softens the look of the board.

You will need: 

notice board, enough fabric to cover your board and adhere to the back, wadding (note that thick wadding will make pushing pins into the board difficult, so go for a type that is thinner and light weight), scissors and glue (or staple gun if you have one).

  • Start buy cutting the wadding so it is the same size as your notice board.
  • Glue along the front of the wooden frames edge and stick down the wadding. You can glue the wadding to the center of the board to if you want it to be extra secure.

  • Iron you fabric if it is creased. Then measure and cut it so that it is a few of inches larger each side than the notice board. The fabric needs to be a bit larger than the board so that its edges can be glued to the back of the board.

  • Finally. lay the fabric pattern side down on to a flat surface. Place the notice board centrally on top of the fabric front down so that the wadding is sandwiched in between the fabric and the board. 
  • Fold over one side of the fabrics edge to the back of the board and glue down. I folded the fabrics long edge twice to give it a neat finish in case I wanted to use the felt back on the board I have. The edges don't really need to be folded over twice and glued neatly if no one is going to see it though so don't worry about it looking perfect. 
  • Stick down the rest of the fabrics sides. In between gluing each of the sides turn the board over so you can see the front and check if the fabric is still laying flat. In order for the fabric to lay smooth across the board it will need to be adjusted and pulled slightly over the edges as you go.
  • Allow the glue to dry then hang the notice board up.

I would love to know if you use any of these techniques to makeover a notice board and how you get on.

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